15 Dec

Losing belly fat can be especially important for women, especially after menopause when body fat tends to shift to the abdomen.  

Not only can excess belly fat make it difficult to fit into your clothes, but it also carries serious health risks. These risks can be reduced by paying attention to your diet and getting regular exercise. 

To lose belly fat, it is important to consider how many calories you are consuming and burning off through daily activity. Making lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet and increasing physical activity, can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of developing health problems related to excess belly fat.The practice of intermittent fasting has roots in traditional fasting, which has been used for health and spiritual benefits for thousands of years. During a period of fasting, a person may abstain from all food and beverages, or may consume only a limited amount of calories. 

woman belly fat

Why does belly fat exist?

If you are consuming more calories than you are burning through physical activity, you may gain excess weight, including belly fat. As you age, your muscle mass may decrease slightly while fat increases, which can also contribute to weight gain. Decreased muscle mass can also lower your metabolism, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight. 

Many women may notice an increase in belly fat as they age, even if their overall weight remains stable. This is likely due to a decline in estrogen levels, which can affect where fat is stored in the body. Genetics may also play a role in the tendency to gain weight around the waist and have an "apple" shape rather than a "pear" shape. 

To reduce belly fat and improve overall health, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and engage in regular physical activity.

See real cases of fat people losing weight

man belly fat

Why does belly fat go beyond the surface? Where does belly fat gather?

Belly fat

Belly fat, also known as abdominal fat, is more than just a cosmetic concern. It is classified as either subcutaneous fat, which is located just below the skin, or visceral fat, which is found deep inside the abdomen and surrounds the internal organs. While excess subcutaneous fat may cause aesthetic issues, visceral fat is linked to a range of serious health problems, including: 

  • type 2 diabetes
  • abnormal cholesterol
  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • breathing problems.

Research has also shown that having a large waistline, even if you are otherwise a normal weight according to your BMI, can increase the risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease. To reduce the risk of health problems associated with belly fat, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and engage in regular physical activity. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa  You can also read more about our fast and recommended diets

You can also read more about our fast and recommended diets

"Measuring" your belly fat

To determine if you have excess belly fat, you can measure your waist with a tape measure. To do this, stand up straight and place the tape measure around your bare stomach, just above your hipbone. Make sure the tape measure is level and fits snugly around you without pushing into your skin. Then, exhale and take the measurement, avoiding the temptation to suck in your stomach. 

For women, a waist measurement of more than 35 inches (89 centimeters) is generally considered an indication of unhealthy levels of belly fat and a higher risk of health problems. It is important to note that waist measurement is just one factor to consider when assessing your overall health and fitness. Other factors, such as your BMI and body composition, can also be useful indicators of your health.

lose belly fat

Best way to lose belly fat

  • To reduce belly fat and improve your overall health, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity. 
  • Here are some tips to help you trim the fat:
  • Replace sugary beverages with water or drinks with artificial sweeteners.
  • Eat a healthy diet that is rich in plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Choose lean sources of protein and low-fat dairy products, and limit added sugars and saturated fat, which are found in high-fat dairy products and meat. Instead, opt for moderate amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can be found in fish, nuts, and certain vegetable oils.
  • Pay attention to portion sizes and try to limit your intake of calories. At home, reduce the size of your portions, and when dining out, consider sharing a meal or taking half of it home for leftovers.
  • Make physical activity a part of your daily routine. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise, such as running, per week. Strength training exercises should also be included at least twice a week. If you are trying to lose weight or achieve specific fitness goals, you may need to increase the amount of exercise you do.
  • To lose excess fat and prevent it from returning, aim for slow and steady weight loss. Consult with your doctor for guidance on starting and maintaining a healthy weight loss program.

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